Face to face workshop group

Perception of Calcific uremic arteriolopathy and Peripheral arterial disease

We are looking to speak to Nephrologists living in New York, Chicago and Philadelphia, as we are conducting a new market research study, we would like to invite them to participate in. The purpose of the research is building up an in-depth understanding regarding the current perception and treatment of Calcific uremic arteriolopathy and Peripheral arterial disease in end stage renal disease, as well as the potential opportunity for novel inhibitor of vascular calcification – SNF472. The research will take the form of an 8-hour long face to face workshop group. To take part in this study, please click on the button below.

  • Location: New York, Chicago and Philadelphia, USA
  • Date: 4th or 7th November 2022, depending on the city
  • Time: To be confirmed over the phone
  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Incentive: $2000
  • Availability: 7 slots available