Face to face interview

Device Usability Testing Research – Treatment for Glaucoma

Field Scope International is recruiting Ophthalmologists and Registered Nurses specializing in ophthalmology who perform incisional intraocular procedures to participate in a research study that evaluates a product composed of a single use, disposable, manually operated applicator that delivers a Bimatoprost-containing drug delivery implant used in the treatment for Glaucoma. You will be asked to read a set of “Directions for Use” and then use the product. The Bimatoprost SR product will contain an implant and will be performed on artificial eyes. Upon completion you will be asked a series of questions to determine the ease of use of the product and provide general feedback. Should you be interested in taking part, please click on the button below.

  • Location: London, UK
  • Date: 10th – 14th January 2022
  • Time: To be arranged during recruitment
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Incentive: £100 – £180
  • Availability: 40 slots available